The term of High Sheriff traditionally lasts for one year. The Office of High Sheriff is the oldest secular Office in the United Kingdom after The Crown. The High Sheriff is appointed personally by HM The King at the Pricking Ceremony held in March each year.
The role of the High Sheriff has evolved over time and the current COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated that change. The central element of supporting The Crown, the Judiciary, and the Law Enforcement has remained, but the High Sheriff has had to adapt how they interact and work with crime prevention agencies, the emergency services, and also the charitable sector.
High Sheriffs receive no remuneration and no part of the expense of a High Sheriff’s year falls on the public purse.
The term of High Sheriff traditionally lasts for one year. The Office of High Sheriff is the oldest secular Office in the United Kingdom after The Crown. The High Sheriff is appointed personally by The Queen at the Pricking Ceremony held in March each year.
The role of the High Sheriff has evolved over time and the current COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated that change. The central element of supporting The Crown, the Judiciary, and the Law Enforcement has remained, but the High Sheriff has had to adapt how they interact and work with crime prevention agencies, the emergency services, and also the charitable sector.
High Sheriffs receive no remuneration and no part of the expense of a High Sheriff’s year falls on the public purse.